Live Log Viewer

If you want to know what’s happening in your web site to be prepared against any potential bug, then you need to look into your logs. This module allows you to monitor in real time the activity of your logs within EPiServer.

Live Log Viewer


The module is available for download and installation as  NuGet package.

 Install-Package Verndale.LogViewer -Version 1.0.0 

You can download the code from here


Open the web.config file and change the port number and the number of seconds of the viewer duration.

<add key="LogViewerPort" value="878" />
<add key="LogViewerDuration" value="120" />

Additionally, an appender is added in the file EPiServerLog.config in order to direct messages through the UDP port.


4 thoughts on “Live Log Viewer

  1. This seems like something that is only really needed when hosting directly and not using Application Insights. We have the pass portal log streamer and application insights for the logs when when set up can give you larger amounts of information beyond logs. For me AI is always my preferred way forward for viewing any errors and performance issues.

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