Resolving High CPU Consumption Due to Database Queries in Optimizely CMS

Have you ever encountered a scenario where your database server's CPU consumption spiked to 100%, causing major disruptions? In this blog post, we'll delve into a real-life case where a client experienced precisely that, and how we identified and resolved the root cause. The Problem Unveiled Our client, let's call them ClientX, was facing intermittent …

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Getting Started with Optimizely SaaS Core and Next.js Integration: Deploying to Vercel

This article illustrates the benefits of Vercel as a quick and convenient platform for deploying Next.js applications. It guides through the process of creating a Vercel account, connecting to GitHub, importing a repository, and configuring it for deployment. On successful deployment, Vercel assigns a public domain name, automatically updated with any changes pushed to GitHub.

Getting Started with Optimizely SaaS Core and Next.js Integration: Content Areas and Blocks

The blog guide elaborates on improving content rendering by exploring content areas and blocks within the Optimizely CMS. It walks through setting up a ContentArea, creating blocks, populating content, and integrating these blocks in Next.js. The guide also discusses creating a helper class, a Content Area Factory class, and finally incorporating the factory into the Content Page. This allows dynamic rendering of different block types without extensive modifications.

Getting Started with Optimizely SaaS Core and Next.js Integration: Creating Content Pages

The blog post discusses the creation of additional page types with Next.js and Optimizely SaaS Core. It provides a step-by-step guide on how to create content pages, query content, and build pages in Next.js. The post also explains how dynamic routing and the implementation of a Factory class can streamline the creation process and enhance code maintainability.

Getting Started with Optimizely SaaS Core and Next.js Integration: Testing Content Updates

The blog post discusses the challenges of content updates on a website using Optimizely CMS, Next.js, and the Apollo Client due to Apollo's local caching feature. The local caching enhances application speed but fails to reflect real-time updates. A temporary solution used is the revalidate parameter set to revalidate the cache every 5 seconds, ensuring content updates are reflected. However, this is not ideal for long-term use, and more targeted cache updates are preferable in a production environment.

Getting Started with dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React

The blog post discusses the use of React's dangerouslySetInnerHTML property to insert raw HTML into a component, helping to improve content presentation and user experience. Risks are highlighted, such as potential security exposures if misused. A practical application is shown through Optimizely SaaS Core integration, demonstrating the tool's value for web development despite necessary precautions.

Getting Started with Optimizely SaaS Core and Next.js Integration

The blog post covers the process of creating a website with Optimizely SaaS Core and integrating it with a Next.js project. Key steps include defining content types, setting up the website, synchronizing data with Optimizely Graph, installing Next.js, and incorporating Apollo for GraphQL data fetching. The post also provides information about styling adjustments and future topics.